#calm as ever as the lesson learned today.
To be a bigger person for those who think small, narrow and plain.
It's hard to vindicate anything while reasoning in different dimensions.
Especially for those who distorted your words into extreme and use those twisted ideas thinking they're backfiring at you, it's simply not.

Hold your stand, through the thunderous loud noises you'll find the greatest clear and ease at your mind for knowing the illogical can never last.

今天學到心靈成長了 自然會找到平靜
對待那些思考狹隘 乏味且小氣的人你必須大氣
他們用最極端的方式扭曲你的言語和想法 以為這些被扭曲的內容能夠用來攻擊你 完全想太多

當你看透他們的扭曲嘴臉 越過那些趁亂攻擊的吵雜聲音
會找到從沒有過的開闊和自在 因為那些無意義的終會結束


太久沒畫畫 打個心情跟大家分享



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